Pursuit of Happyness 2006


This is a tough movie to watch. Will Smith plays a guy who is on a precipice in his life at the beginning of the movie and quickly falls off. Most of the rest of the movie is him bouncing down the canyon walls until the ending, where you can only hope that everything will turn out okay.

What saves the movie is the great attitude Smith’s character has. He will do whatever it takes to do what he needs to do, which often includes running through the streets of San Francisco at full speed in a suit. He doesn’t have to make a decision, he just acts, because he knows that is the only way to continue. Time and time again, life deals him lemons (sometimes of his own making), and he responds. It is the story of a guy who just keeps brushing himself and getting back up again.

The story is set in the early 80’s, but could happen anywhere at any time. It seems to make more sense in the US where people are constantly overextended and teetering on the brink of financial and personal disaster. But because there is also great opportunity here, there is always a chance things will work out if you have talent and try hard. One thing I liked about the movie is that Smith’s race is never even acknowledged. Not by the characters in the movie or by the elements of the movie. If anything, there is a chance that his race helps some people give him opportunities they would not give someone of their own race.

The only negative is that the movie is hard to watch. Things are looking pretty hopeless for a while as one bad thing after another happens, even as Smith is winning small victories and putting the pieces in place to eventually succeed. It strains believability to see so many things happen to this guy in such a short period of time. And if you do research afterward, as I did, you will find out that many things were simply made up for the movie. Still, at-risk families degrade to homeless ones every day, so nothing here is beyond belief. While the movie is a little heavyhanded and manipulative, I could still accept it, and just root for this guy.

Will Smith is very good, and he has some very good scenes with his real-life son. I do not see how any caring father could not get caught up in this relationship. Still, it is the “based on true events” story that carries the movie as this underdog competes among seasoned pros. B+.

Written: 26 Sep 2007