Knocked Up 2007


For a comedy, this movie really isn’t that funny. The guy in the movie is a pathetic loser with a bunch of loser friends. They have no jobs and live for porn and drugs. He gets involved with a gorgeous woman that he shouldn’t have a chance with, gets her pregnant, and then, very slowly, finds out that being a loser isn’t all that great. The movie might appeal to high school and college guys except that half of the movie is an overwrought soap opera and, essentially, a chick flick. Women will probably be offended by the language, attitudes, jokes about masturbation, etc. So I’m not sure who the audience is.

Still, some of this is funny. And some of it is still touching. And some is just entirely too real. It is kind of a mess of a movie, but I can still see how some people would like it. Maybe young parents would like some of the scenes revolving around pregnancy and the difficulties of marriage. Maybe potheads would enjoy seeing the slacker lifestyle collide with responsibility. I didn’t think that much of it, but will offer some grudging respect for something that is fairly heartfelt and offers a few funny observations. C.

Written: 18 Nov 2007