Fantastic Mr. Fox 2009


I heard some good things about this movie when it came out, but it wasn’t high on my list. It is a better movie than I thought despite a few flaws. First, it’s a movie about a fox outsmarting some farmers. It’s a pretty familiar story. To give the movie a little more weight they throw in some teen-aged foxes dealing with teen-aged issues, throw in a wife who knows better, and make the farmers corporate fatcats. I think that shows that the movie didn’t know exactly who the audience was going to be. George Clooney is the title character, but it is a classic Clooney role of the guy who has given up crime but is drawn back to it even though he isn’t quite as smart as he thinks he is. Yes, it’s obvious this role should go to George Clooney, but maybe that’s why they should have given it to someone else. There are parts of the movie that are funny and cute, but some of it is kind of awkward. It’s worth seeing and I think some people will really enjoy it, but it fell a little short for me.

Written: 07 Aug 2010

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital