Star Trek 2009


With so many different versions of Star Trek out there, this time they just decided to throw everything out and start all over again. Filmed in a parallel universe caused by visitors from the future going back into time, they can start with a clean slate, but a slate with the same characters. This movie focuses on the early days of Jim Kirk at the Star Fleet Academy (in Iowa?) through his first mission after graduation. It’s not an easy thing to play Captain Kirk, who is so indelibly associated with William Shatner. You have to accept that Chris Pine is playing a different version of Captain Kirk than we are used to seeing: younger, with a different past, and before he is a commander. Sometimes commanders don’t make such great subordinates and Kirk is a prime example.

The other characters are a little more fun, some being played entirely for laughs, like Simon Pegg as Scotty. Sulu suddenly becomes an action hero Robin to Kirk’s Batman. Chekov seems to get a little smarter and unlike many of the characters, doesn’t resemble the character in the original series. Uhura has a bigger role than just the token black person relaying what the computer is saying in her ear. Spock has a significant role, but other than being kind of a sourpuss, is closest to being the same character.

The plot is good, but I thought they would have to go back and fix some of the problems with space-time in order to get back the universe back on the track we know from the TV series. However, that was before I realized that if they are going to have sequels (and they will) that they can’t fix everything.

The acting was good, even as they have to stumble around lines like “Live long and prosper” and “I’m giving her all she’s got” which are fun to see, but also remind you that they are coming out of different actors. So this is a great concept to go back to the beginning, a huge undertaking, fun to watch, but isn’t executed quite well enough for me to give it an A.

Written: 10 May 2009

Owned on: UHD, Blu-ray, Digital