Pi 1998
This is weird little movie that won best director at the Sundance festival. Filmed in black and white it is about a guy who is close to discovering a constant that explains everything in the universe including turbulent flow, seashells, and the stock market. Getting close to this answer causes all kinds of health problems and also tends to fry computers. There are a couple of side characters that help the guy out on the way.
This very much looks like an indie movie. Though filming in black and white makes it all the more surrealistic and there’s enough gross out scenes to give it an edge the acting is still around the garage level. And the story which is at least somewhat compelling is a little lacking.
Still, if you like weird movies that are different than what Hollywood typically grinds out during the summer (though I really think this has been an exceptional summer for movies), you might want to check it out. It’s playing at the Plaza.
Rating: 2p out of 10
Written: 15 Aug 1998