Crash 2005
A lot of critics liked this movie when it came out earlier in 2005 and I had meant to see it when it came out. I think it plays just as well on DVD though. I didn’t know exactly what to expect except that it had a bunch of loosely connected characters and looked at racism. Racism is certainly a major theme, but really the movie is about people and how they deal with each other. Primarily it shows how ill will towards someone can esacalate quickly or be defused, depending on how the receiver deals with it.
For me everything really worked. Some of the characters are stereotypes but they aren’t one-dimensional. They are all humans with good sides and bad. With the interwoven series of character studies, you look forward to learning more about each person, and don’t get tired of any. Love Actually benefitted from this approach as well. It’s a simple device (think Love Boat) but it can work out well in showing a cross-section of people.
After the movie ended I just felt kind of stunned and drained, but also very satisfied. This movie really worked for me. I’ll give it an A.
Owned on: DVD