Super 8 2011


This movie was looking like it would be a big summer hit. The target market seems to be young teens, basically a mildly scary monster/action movie. It is set in a small mining town during the 70’s and some kids are using 8mm film cameras to make a zombie movie (if you stay for the credits, you get to see the movie they make) when a train wrecks and mysterious things start happening.

It is directed by J.J. Abrams who is famous for Lost and 2009’s updated Star Trek movie. But, kind of like the new Star Trek movie, the elements are all there, but the movie didn’t really grab me. Partly because Super 8 is set in the 70’s, it seems like something we’ve seen before and it is very derivative of a lot of other movies where sinister government military troops endanger a town and the only hope is some spunky teenagers can get to the bottom of it. This is a pretty good movie, but one review I saw said that teenagers will like it, which may be true since maybe they haven’t seen all the other movies that this one is based on. B.

Written: 03 Jul 2011

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