Under the Skin 2014


I don’t remember hearing much, if anything, about this movie when it came out. It was in the $5.99 bin at Best Buy. I looked up the ratings and it seemed like a good buy. Then it was almost a year before I actually got around to watching it. It is a fairly low budget sci-fi horror movie with very artistic touches, including minimal dialogue. A big chunk of the movie has Scarlett Johansson putting on a Scottish accent and driving around Scotland picking up men at random. I don’t think I’m giving much away by saying she is not from Earth. To make it more interesting, they actually had her drive around like in Candid Camera and talk to real people who didn’t know they were being filmed. That and Johansson’s nude scenes probably get the movie more attention than maybe it would otherwise deserve, but even so, it was a horrible box office failure, taking in less than $8 million, which is less than what she was paid for the last Avengers movie.

Anyway, the movie is pretty good, and considering how little of a plot there is, it keeps your attention as you slowly learn what is going on, though if you want to know why, you are going to be disappointed (and if you’ve seen it, you can read my spoiler below). It stays kind of abstract and lets your imagination fill in a lot of the blanks, which is pretty effective. It may not be a great movie, but it is certainly an interesting one and worth watching.


Written: 28 Jul 2018

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital