10 Cloverfield Lane 2016


I knew nothing about this movie going in except maybe part of what I saw in a Superbowl commercial, but I was also getting it mixed up with previews I saw of The Room, so I had no idea what to expect. I did think that 2008’s Cloverfield turned out to be a godzilla type movie, though I never saw it, so I had some expectation that a monster would show up.

Anyway, it is hard to write about the movie without giving anything away, so I will say it is suspenseful with some good acting and it keeps you guessing throughout. However it also felt a little forced at times. It’s not a typical movie and in some ways the ending was kind of tacked on, though I guess there is nothing wrong with it. The suspense sometimes seems artificial by making characters behave in odd ways or very unlikely things happening that makes the story a little hard to swallow. However it still keeps you interested and you should be entertained if you allow it.

Written: 12 Mar 2016

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital