Emma 2020
This movie, based on Jane Austen’s novel, got decent reviews and seemed like it would be worth watching with a Screen Pass. Anya Taylor-Joy is interesting to watch as the title character, the daughter of a wealthy nobleman in England around 1815 who likes to play matchmaker. Everyone is given some pretty amazing costumes to wear, sometimes so unusual that it seems like they must be authentic. Plus some very nice settings in and around manor houses in the English countryside give this movie the look of a painting. It is just beautiful watching how some of the shots are composed. The story itself is not as outstanding, but certainly fills the time nicely as Emma starts displaying some flaws and weaknesses before she can find her own perfect match. It is sort of a romantic comedy, but just quietly funny and otherwise a little bit of a soap opera. There are some interesting characters, though it wasn’t always easy to catch the dialogue. It isn’t really my type of movie and not done well enough that I don’t care, so I think people who like this kind of thing (mostly women) would like it more than I did.
Written: 04 Jan 2022
Owned on: Digital