Ticket to Paradise 2022


I wasn’t going to rush out to see this after seeing mediocre reviews of this George Clooney and Julia Roberts romantic comedy, but I was happy to see it while it is still playing in theaters. I think the reviews generally get it right. While Roberts and Clooney still have plenty of charm and chemistry, the writing here mostly lets them down. There are still a few funny or fun scenes, but it feels very much designed by committee and does very little that is unexpected. Too much of it is just kind of lame, like an intergenerational beer pong challenge? I feel like it is pandering to an older demographic, which I unfortunately belong to. There was a little of that in this year’s Top Gun sequel too, saying that old school is the best school no matter what. It is a nice escapist fantasy, I suppose, where love triumphs and even the seaweed farmers seem to be millionaires. It isn’t bad, just not that good. Coming soon to airplane screens everywhere.

Written: 01 Nov 2022