Ghostbusters 2 1989


I never saw this movie at the theaters (I was out of the country when it came out) and saw bits and pieces of it on TV, but never saw it all the way through, I don’t think. The first movie was entertaining, but still not that great. This movie has a lot of the same elements but is even less funny than the first. Dan Akyroyd isn’t as grating here, but Bill Murray and Rick Moranis aren’t as sharp either. There is still a fairly decent plot that keeps the movie entertaining, but the end result still feels pretty empty. The special effects are better, but there is maybe less menace. Peter MacNicol is terrible in this playing a foreign art curator willing to work with evil spirits in order to get Sigourney Weaver. But his stereotyped foreigner is just offensive and obnoxious. Also obnoxious is the soundtrack of really bad 80’s songs. Was music really that horrible in 1989 or did they just get a bad batch of songs? Still, even with its faults, it may be worth watching if you really liked the first movie and want to see the cast bust some more ghosts.

Written: 22 Mar 2018

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital