Home Alone 1990


I don’t think I saw this movie at the theaters when it came out, but of course I watched it at some point. I recently was given a 4k digital copy, so I watched it again (if really is 4k, you can’t really tell). It is an easy watch and rarely drags. They do a good job of sealing possible plot holes about how a kid could be left alone to fend off criminals without overdoing it. Macauley Culkin does a great job for the most part, which is a big ask for a child actor. The movie extras talk about the stunts and how they really went oveboard with falls where the robbers' feet go up in the air and they land flat on their back and how that became almost an industry standard. Ultimately there isn’t much substance to the movie, it’s just a fun ride to go on. The creepy neighbor was a last minute addition to give the movie a little more emotional punch and that was a great call. Culkin has some of his best scenes talking to the old man and another great scene talking to the check out clerk.

Written: 08 Jan 2024

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