Antwone Fisher 2002


I remember hearing good things about this movie, but never got around to seeing it. I borrowed it using a Screen Pass and really enjoyed it. I knew Denzel Washington stars in the movie, but I thought he was a lawyer. Instead he is a Navy psychiatrist and Antwone Fisher is one of his patients. Fisher is referred to Washington’s character for an evaluation after Fisher gets in another fight with his shipmates. The movie is a little slow, mostly about this somewhat withdrawn character who has anger issues. It is neat watching Denzel unravel the story so he can help this guy out. There are a lot of positive things I enjoyed seeing, like Washington trying to help, and the Navy being a place that can help people turn their lives around. It is so true to life that I was a little disappointed sometimes when the dialogue didn’t go quite like I felt like it probably would in real life. Fisher has to figure things out and it seems like people offer him a little less advice than he would be likely to get in his situation. The slow reveal of Fisher’s backstory really draws you in. The cast is strong so I was surprised I haven’t seen more of these actors.

Written: 24 Nov 2021