The Transformers 2007


This is about what you would expect from a movie based on a cartoon series. There is a little more than meets the eye in terms of some of the characters and gags, but for the most part this is a big action movie about a boy and his giant superhero robot. There is tons of action and most of the violence is robot against robot, so it is hard to get too worked up over it. The special effects are good, but I wondered sometimes if all of those parts had to really go into motion to make a particular transformation. I would hope that some obsessive computer animator made sure that every piece moved and fit exactly in its place, but a lot of it just looks like a blur (the DVD I watched had absolutely zero extras, so who knows). I was already too old to watch the original cartoon, let alone own any of the action figures, but I like the idea of a robot that can transform into different types of machines. This is a fun movie, B-.

Written: 16 Jan 2008