Son of Batman 2014


I have been going back and catching some of the DC Animated Movie Universe installments. There are tons of movies and they get decent reviews and with a running time of about 75 minutes are easy to watch. I recently watched Batman vs. Robin, not realizing it was a sequel to this earlier movie. The sequel mentioned the new Robin’s grandfather, who I just figured was some bad guy, but this movie explains that better. As in the sequel, the new Robin, Damien, is an arrogant but very gifted youth (like maybe 12?) who needs a moral compass. But he is also kind of a brat and tiresome. Also, I don’t care how great his skills are, an 80 pound preteen isn’t ever going to be able to beat skilled adult fighters that weigh twice as much, and yet we see it here over and over, just like when mostly scrawny women, usually in high heels, are able to beat up much larger men in fist fights. I just don’t buy it. Plus he (and others) fight at full proficiency after sustaining very serious injuries. So that was a bit of a downer for me, but otherwise these films continue to really open up a large, rich world based on stories from modern comic books and they stay interesting.

Written: 09 Jul 2021