St. Vincent 2014


I won a digital copy of this movie in a white elephant gift exchange. I think maybe I got it mixed up with Broken Flowers. Still, St. Vincent got decent reviews when it came out, so not a terrible pick. Bill Murray plays a bitter, mean old man who ends up babysitting the son of his neighbor. It feels like this movie has been done a lot of times where an old curmudgeon is befriended by a kid. You pretty much know what to expect as the guy does all the wrong things, taking the kid to bars and the horse track, cursing like a sailor, etc. Most of the movie shows how really rotten and pathetic the old man is even as he does teach the kid to at least stand up for himself. Bill Murray is very good in this role (seems like something he has played before), but his accent seems to vary quite a bit. Everything is mostly played for laughs, but it is still kind of depressing even with a nice ending tacked on. I could see where some people would really like it, but I think it is easily missed unless you just want to see Murray chew up a role.

Written: 13 Mar 2020

Owned on: Digital