A Simple Favor 2018


A Simple Favor got pretty good reviews, though I didn’t know anything about it when I picked up a digital copy on sale. I don’t want to give much of the plot away other than what is laid out pretty quickly: a missing person mystery in the exurbs of New York City. Anna Kendrick plays a mousy single supermom who befriends a wealthy Type A working mother (Blake Lively) of one her son’s friends from school. The story is interesting, with some comedy from the straightlaced geeky Kendrick and the wanton aggressiveness of Lively. Then the twists and turns of the plot start to come in and all of that is pretty good before kind of falling apart at the end. By that time you are invested and want to see how it will turn out, so it is still worth watching, but a little disappointing, as it almost becomes a farce. I feel like some of the side characters are too hammy and the child actors are often bad, but the main characters are always good. Don’t expect too much and you can enjoy this fun, seductive mystery.

Written: 28 Jun 2020

Owned on: Digital