Bride of Frankenstein 1935


Bride of Frankenstein was included in a box set of early Univeral monster movies. The first of the movies was Frankenstein and while they made a few other movies in between, this is an immediate sequel to that movie, starting in the smoldering ruins of the windmill from the end of the first movie. Despite the name, this is really just another Frankenstein movie and the bride doesn’t show up until the movie is almost over. As such, the movie struggles a little since it mostly concerns the original monster terrorizing the countryside and sometimes making friends. That isn’t much of a plot and some of it is goofy (the monster learns that while he doesn’t like fire, he does enjoy smoking cigars). However, at the same time another mad scientist comes into play and convinces a reluctant Dr. Frankenstein to get back to work creating life from death. Eventually the movie finishes in spectacular fashion, with some electric lab equipment, lightning, and the famous bride coming to life. That last segment is great and there are some neat ideas being presented, but it takes a while to get there. I agree with most critics that this sequel is probably better than the original, with richer characters and more scenes of the monster, who earns a little more sympathy this time, while Dr. Frankenstein gets pushed into support. I wish the first half of the movie could have been as good as the second half, but the second half brings the whole thing up to a B+.

Written: 31 Oct 2022

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital