One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975


I saw this movie a long time ago, maybe in high school, and also read the book, which was very good. Watching again in 2021 I was surprised how everything came back to me. This movie really made an impression. It is still an impressive movie. The version I saw looked great and the story holds up amazingly well. It was filmed on location in Oregon, with scenes at an actual mental hospital, as portrayed in the book. The acting performances are very natural instead of being overplayed which would have been easy, especially since the movie was based on a play that was in turn based on the book. That’s a big credit not only to a pretty amazing cast, but also the director, Milos Forman. The movie takes some time (but isn’t slow) to establish characters through a series of skirmishes between Jack Nicholson’s character, McMurphy, and the tightly controlled Nurse Ratched. Some of the things that happen in the movie seem a little forced or unnatural, like a panel of three doctors letting themselves be talked out of returning McMurphy to prison by Nurse Ratched. Realistically, would they have even asked her what she thought? Also McMurphy has a few chances to escape towards the end and fails to take advantage, even as he realizes things are getting much worse for him. But those are pretty minor quibbles.

Written: 10 Nov 2021

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