The Empire Strikes Back 1980


The original Star Wars trilogy is legendary and most people probably consider this second installment to be the best of the three. The first one was so imaginitive and gave space movies a new look, but Empire fleshes out its characters and had a budget that let George Lucas make a movie that lived up to his imagination. Just about everything in the opening act on the ice planet of Hoth is fantastic. You get some cool battles, romantic sparks with Han Solo and Leia, the imperial snow walkers, and Darth Vader comes marching in just a little too late, the first time we hear his famous theme music. And it stays good all the way through as Luke Skywalker finds Yoda, Lando Calrissian makes a deal with Darth Vader, and Luke finally faces off with Vader.

Written: 12 Jan 2020

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital