A League of Their Own 1992


I remember liking this movie when it came out. There are some iconic scenes in it, particularly maybe the “no crying in baseball” scene. During a Buy One Get One sale at Best Buy on Sony titles I wanted Close Encounters, but the other choices were kind of limited, so I wound up picking up A League of Our Own based on the memory of a pretty good movie. Watching it again, there are still some good scenes in it, but man does it really overdo it. The first half of the movie is pretty good and went by very quickly, but the second half drags and then really cranks up the sentimentality. Still, it is fun seeing the cast at work. Jon Lovitz is great as the scout and Rosie O’donnell is perfect. Then you’ve got Tom Hanks and Madonna in the movie. Hanks was maybe a little miscast and kind of overplays his part sometimes, but he really nails a few of his scenes. So while the movie is almost painful to watch at times, the cast and the good story of women’s baseball maybe brings the movie up to a B.

Written: 02 Dec 2018

Owned on: Blu-ray, Digital