Tron 1982


I wanted to see Tron since it came out in 1982. It was a very cool looking film with a blend of computer graphics, animation, electric costumes, and real-life actors. However I always heard that it looked better than it really was. With so much time having passed, would it hold up at all? The graphics are painfully bad at times and the pi-shaped Recognizers are horribly awkward, but if you accept the limitations of the technology and the budget (live action Disney films always seem to be made on the cheap), the computer scenes hold up better than real world scenes in the movie. Ultimately the computer stuff is sci-fi gobbledy gook and there are aspects that are just terrible, but it is still pretty cool to watch. I hoped for a little more video game style action like the light cycles, but much of the movie is kind of conventional as the cast makes their way through a maze of computer graphics avoiding the bad guys to accomplish something that seems to make sense to them. Considering the state of video games when the movie was being made, this movie is pretty advanced, but it still feels a lot like a movie about computers made by people who know nothing about computers. It makes we want to watch the 2010 sequel to revisit this world with more advanced technology available, but that movie got even worse reviews.

Written: 10 Mar 2018

Owned on: Blu-ray, DVD, Digital