The Matrix: Revolutions 2003


I finally saw Matrix 3 today. It was impressive for its scale, but also suffers from that. The victory of the first movie was that at last someone had come along with the potential to save the world. But actually saving the world isn’t quite as exciting (imagining Neo saving the world is better than seeing how he does it).

There are lots of dumb lines during the fighting and as people go off to fight or as they die or whatever. It’s just one big line after another (Naiobi has a great line that cuts through some of this). And there is also a lot of babble. The Oracle who has said so little before, has more lines than ever and yet says less than ever. The psychobabble runs deep.

A lot of new things were brought up in the second movie, but not only aren’t they explained in this final installment, but they open any number of new cans of worms (that also aren’t explained). Neo continues as he has done through the whole thing, not really understanding why he has so much power but enjoying it just the same.

It was a fun movie to watch and the music at the end was much better than the headache inducing crap at the end of the second, but I don’t feel like the story was really honored. Maybe if I see these two again and read up on them I’ll be able to see better what is going on (I was surprised how consistent the first movie was once I watched it again and kind of knew what was up).

So I will give this a B for visual impressiveness and still having lots of new stuff that makes you think, but I also have to bump down my provisional A for the second installment to B since the loose ends weren’t tied up to my satisfaction.